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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does any one know someone by the name George J Arnott?


Does any one know someone by the name George J Arnott?

I'm not sure if this will get me anywhere butt I'm willing to try anything! My name is Michelle and I live in southern California My 1(almost 2) year old little boy is very ill and the doctors need some information about his bloodline. It's a given that I can tell them half but I need to find his father. His Name is George J. Arnott. He is Italian, blue eyes, 30 about to turn 31 aprox 6' ft tall. He grew up in El Monte, then Monrovia but for the last 2 years he has been Old Folsom State Prison. I have anxiously awaited his home coming butt I talked to Folsom Prison and he paroled on September 12, 2006. Given that he has never met his son and we had plans to marry upon his release I would assume he would have contacted me. I have talked to everyone I know that knows him and no one has seen him, (or at least admitted to). But none of that matters to me anymore I just need to find him to help my son. Anyone with any clue please help. Thank You!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Michelle, I need more info to find him. Chances are that he's gone back to familiar territory but probably not the region where he got in trouble. By parole conditions, he's still in California and maybe these numbers but I doubt it:

GEORGE ARNOTT (510) 278-0898 (East Bay / Oakland)

GEORGE ARNOTT (530) 778-3588 (Chico, north of Sacto)

GEORGE ARNOTT (909) 798-2428 (Riverside, SB)

I suggest you continue to work thru CDC - Calif Dept of Corrections and explain the problem to them. Chances are high that Folsom has all the blood info that your doctors need.

If you pull yourself out of the loop and let your doctor talk to the doctors at Folsom, the State might help you out since it's a serious medical situation.

If they balk at it, call the Governor's Office in Sacramento. 411 Info can help you out with the number. The Governor's Office has staff to hande this kind of "top down" influence.