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House history?

House history need help ASAP?
i need 2 find the history of my house ASAP im n the state of Texas, Harris county but it has 2 b online i can't go n e where so does n e 1 noe a site r sites i can do it w/???????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The history of a building is a hard thing to track down. I usually start with a tour of the local building department, planning department, tax assessor's office, and the local historical society.
1. At the building dept, they may have a track record of permit applications (additions, remodels) and, sometimes, the original date of construction. If they keep real good records, they'll have some names on the permit applications.
2. The Planning Dept does a thing called a Historical Element for their Master Plans. If your house is somehow significant, like in a historic district, they will have accummulated lots of info about it.
3. The Tax Assessor is an odd way to find info but it works. They'll have records of the Assessed Value for each tax year. You'll have to plot the data to a graph, ignore the upward sloping line and look for jumps - they indicate remodels / additions / etc.
4. The local historical society may have lots of info. In some cases, I have even found photographs of the house from the 1920s and 30s.

Ok, so much for the tour of the departments. Now that your home, take all the names you found on tax rolls, permits, etc. and see if you can find any of these people using

If you find any, call them. The only other thing you can do is pretty much the same methodolgy but involves the adjacent neighbors and any history they might know (previous owners, etc).

Good luck.