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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can you go to find out your heritage? Like if someone is Irish, Native Ame


Where can you go to find out your heritage? Like if someone is Irish, Native American...?

any free websites that are reputable? if not where else can I find the info?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been working on 4 family trees for about 3 years now, and have gotten quite good at sniffing out good free websites. It would depend on how much information you have already as to what would be the most helpful sites for you.

You can look up census records online. Some sites, like, are pay sites, and expensive ones at that. I prefer to use free sites. It might be a little more work, but it's cool when you can piece your family history together.

Your local library might have access to, and/or HeritageQuest Online. And depending on the size of your library, you might find someone who can help you get started on your own family line.

My favorite free sites are listed below.