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Is there anyway to find ancestors who fought in the Napoleonic Wars?

Family legend has it that a number of ancestors fought and some died in the Napoleonic wars. Is there anyway to check this, preferably on line?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The PRO in London, England has a few records of Napoleon records consisting of prisoners taken from ship battles.

Medals of Ste. Helene
The Saint Helena medal, created in 1857 by Napoleon III, was awarded to the 405,000 soldiers still living in 1857, who had fought with Napoleon I during the 1792-1815 wars

Some French military records begin as early as the 1500s. Many have been centralized at the Military Archives in Vincennes, but conscription records are kept at the departmental archives. Military records are rarely used in genealogical research because they are difficult to access and few are indexed; additionally, they are kept confidential for 120 years from the soldier's birth. To use these records, in most instances you will need to know the soldier's specific regiment or sailor's ship. The military archives in Vincennes have not been microfilmed.