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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know exactly how to set out a family tree? (my daughter's history ho


Does anyone know exactly how to set out a family tree? (my daughter's history homework)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Katrina 85,

Start with your daughter. She is the base of the tree. Then, go up to her parents. Each is a 'node' on the tree. Then, each parent has parents, so the end result is a binary tree. Each node has 2 branches. You label each node with the person, dates, locations etc.

The easiest thing to do is use software for this. Family Search from LDS offers some free software. Check the first link.

This usually takes much research, because you go back each generation only to find that the number of questions doubles (for every person discovered, you have 2 more questions).

Once you have exhausted what you know, then you start looking at documents and records to find/trace more.

In Yahoo!Answers, look at other Genealogy answers, you will find all kinds of questions and answers that could help.