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Position:Home>Genealogy> Dear Germanada, Could you tell me who could help me search for my great grandfat


Dear Germanada, Could you tell me who could help me search for my great grandfather's connection in Germany?

He's ship was the Westernland-3 Apr 1889 to New York. States last residence: Blufton. Origins: Germany. He later settled in Detroit, Michigan. What does this BLUFTON mean? There is no Blufton, Germany is there? I'm very confused on where to begin my search in Germany for him. Rearching SPADER, FRUEHAUF, HUSTLER, KUSAK, PARKNOWITZ, RECTOR/RICHTER surnames. Thank you for your time. Melody Tuli -

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7 months ago
My question is for anyone who could tell me the answer, I merely directed it to Germanada because he does German genealogy. Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
My question is for anyone who could tell me the answer, I merely directed it to Germanada because he does German genealogy. Thank you.