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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am looking for a Ohio State year book from the years 1941-1946 or even 1939 to


I am looking for a Ohio State year book from the years 1941-1946 or even 1939 to1947,where can I find one ?

Either online or by order.. genealogy related

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ted is correct, contact the Ohio State U. Library and ask them if they have the yearbooks for the years you need access to. The librarian might be able to search a name for you, or even a current student working in the library might be able to help you out. If you have an E-mail address they can send you a copy via E-mail for free. (My experience) Otherwise they want postage and copy fees.

Hint: You might be able to find someone to help, just after semester finals, when the library is not so busy!

Good Luck!

PS I traveled over 700 miles to search through yearbooks to find a picture of my birth father. (Did not know at the time to contact the library via E-mail. (I have learned a lot since then) Live and learn!