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Position:Home>Genealogy> What's your heritage?


What's your heritage?

I'm an American and IRISH to tell you a bit about myself, but let me put down my SCOTTch first. I'm a POLISHed person who doesn't like to go RUSSIAN into things I can't FINNISH, ENGLISH I have too. *hic* *hic*

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: WELSH, that's just a great way to present your family tree. I guess I can have a good SCOTCH too, if you are offering? I will sit right down down and IRISH tell you my family tree. My ENGLISH is good, so you would be to understand. I have been ill lately, but I am over it and I don't think I would spread my GERMANs around. NORWEGIAN would I do that to you. Do you have any marshmallows? SWISS Miss you have them.