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Position:Home>Genealogy> Our last name is Astronskas; we are told it is Lithuanian;can someone confirm th


Our last name is Astronskas; we are told it is Lithuanian;can someone confirm this?

If so, is there a site with the Astronskas family crest or coat of arms ? I cannot find ANYTHING on this last name and it is becoming extremely frustrating. Thanks !:)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It sure does sound like a Lithuanian last name, even though I have never met a person here in Lithuania with this name. However, there is a more commonly found last name ASTRAUSKAS (I even have a cousin with this name). Can it be possible that the spelling was altered or the name was misspelled when your ancestors migrated? I suggest you look this one up.
Good luck!

PS - I just talked to my mom, and she said that she had a classmate with the name of ASTROMSKAS. That's just one letter difference. One more possibility to explore :)