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Family tree?

i would like to do a family tree and trace all my ancestors back a long way, is there any site where you can obtain birth/death certs details free on line or do you have to open an account. Has anyone already done theirs, any tips, please!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Barbara,

You have come to the right place, many of us that watch this category have done ours and helped many.

Usually Birth and Death Certificates cost money. First place to look is the Town Vital Records (sometimes there is a web site). Then, City, then County, then State. I have some web sites below, but they cost more than a town certificate, as much as 10 times more ($4 versus $40).

I use most of the following web sites, but in addition, you should talk to your family, get all the living members, and interview them. Record their information, dates, pictures, wills, probate, etc. Then plot this information in a software program. You can get one for free from Family Search (PAF), or look through the sites provided.

There are many many more sites than I am giving you, so, don't think this is all there are. Specialties abound.