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Code of arms christobal ramirez year 1700?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Lupita,

You probably mean Coat of Arms, and are looking for this person from 1700, right? So, the Swyrich site shows this, and the following text as well:

Origin: Spanish

Spelling variations of this family name include: Ram㭲ez, Ramirez, Ranim㭲ez, Ranimirez, Raim㭲iz, Raimiriz, Rem㭲iz, Remiriz, Rem㭲ez, Remirez and many more.

First found in Asturias, cradle of the Christian Reconquest of Spain.

Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: Among the earliest explorers of the New World was Luis Ram㭲ez, who voyaged to the R㭯 de la Plata region of Argentina in 1528 and documented his travels in the form of a journal. Also of note was Melchior Ram㭲ez, who joined an expedition to Argentina and survived being shipwrecked off the coast of Brazil. Other members of the family who were early emigrants to Spain's colonies in the New World included Crist㳢al, who emigrated to Peru in 1560.

Also, below are some additional sites, and one on the understanding of Coat of Arms.