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The history of names?

I would like to know the history of my name, all I know that it was passed from generation to generation, (Monserrate) My ancestors were from Puerto Rico but I keep hearing that my name comes from Spain, so I dont have much information except that. If you can give me some information just based on that I would greatly appreciate your assistance. than you,

Monserrate Alvarado

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Monserrate is Catalan name. Catalonia is a country in Northeast Spain that became part of Castille y Leone after the Reconquista in Iberia. It is a name of a mountain near Barcelona. As the other poster said in Latin mons serratus meaning "jagged mountain". I couldn't find Alvarado, but there is a simlar word in Spanish/Portuguese called ??varo which came from the Visigoths (Ancient Germanic) word Alewar, which means "guard of all".