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Anyway to find out you racial makeup?

I am african american, I have slightly lighter than caramel. My grandmother told me she was part Spaniard, but my father is light skinned and i don't know where his ancestors are from.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Emporio Man,

You can find your 'racial'/ethnic makeup in several ways. One is to do your family tree. Discover each person that contributed genes to your gene pool. Two, you can take some DNA Tests, but that gets expensive for the really detailed ones.

So, Family Tree, start with your birth certificate, which points to your parents, their age and place of birth. Get their birth certificates, that will have their parents. Get any marriage and death certificates also. Interview all living relatives. Gather this information and save it in an organized way. Most people use Genealogy Software for this purpose today. If you are Spanish, your records will unvail the truth as you work back through your ancestry.

After you get back a few generations, and you need help on specific relationships, ask the specific questions here too. Plenty of helpful people here.