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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for William Baglow: born Warwickshire UK 1902 Birmingham UK?


Looking for William Baglow: born Warwickshire UK 1902 Birmingham UK?

He was in the Grenadier Guards during WW2. His army number was 2617178 and we believe he was in the 5th Battalion. We have sent for his army records from the MOD and they sent us information that was completely wrong! Eg. the details of the person they sent had the wrong DOB, marriage details etc. We have no trace of him after the war. He did have a son, also called William. However, his first wife went off with someone else while he was away fighting and no one can remember her name/have conveniently forgotten it!

What would you do next? Re-apply to the MOD for information requesting they check their records? I cannot find his death registered anywhere. So, keep trawling the death registers? How can we locate his young son Billy? Can anyone help?

NB: I'm aware we can't examine the census data post 1901 in the UK. Is it possible to request info from the 1941 census? Where would we request it from? What documentation would we need?
Thanks in advance for any useful replies.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Rachel i am sending you some info in email

hope its useful!