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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can i find the birthday of my father and his obituary. hewas born in 1906 an


How can i find the birthday of my father and his obituary. hewas born in 1906 and lived in orient new york?

he died there in 1981

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Maycane,

If you know nothing except his name and year of birth, it may be a little problem. Try The FAMILY SEARCH site for his name and year of death and birth. First site. Note there is an advanced search, which is for Exact name. Poke around on this site until you either find him, or not and you are sure. #1

Then apply for his Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, and look for obits. Here are some sites that will help with Vital Records, and Obituaries.

Do you know where he is burried? You can get death date from his Cemetary, and or Grave marker.

This should get you what you are looking for, it may take some time. Best of luck.