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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is it possible to find out about deceaced fathers adoption, without knowing his


Is it possible to find out about deceaced fathers adoption, without knowing his original surname?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Andrew,

Yes, it is possible. Some of the probabality depends on where you live, and if the place has open records or sealed records. To find out, search for "Vital Record <your location>" in the YAHOO Search. Also, try "Adoption Records <your state>. First, you are looking to see the lawas where your father was adopted. Then, you need to look for how to register if it is a sealed state. If it is not sealed, apply for the records.

Get all the information you have on your father, including his adopted birth certificate, death certificate, marriage certificate. That will give you times and places and information for the forms you will need to fill out. Here are some sites that might help you, but you really need to be specific about your location.