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Position:Home>Genealogy> What does "Vin Ve Repello" mean and what is its origin?


What does "Vin Ve Repello" mean and what is its origin?

this is a motto of my ancestors

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, I looked this up all over the place and the only way I was able to find any kind of translation was to break each word apart, "vin" tends to mean "wine" in French, Spanish, and Italian, Ve is a verbal breakdown for "To see" in Spanish, and Repello means "to repell" in Latin. So I'm thinking this may be an antiquated Latin catchphrase rather than a literal translation, for example like when we say "Going for Broke" or "In the nick of time" it has a particular meaning as a phrase but to translate them in a literal way they wouldn't make much sense.