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Geneology Search?

I'm trying to get a birth certificate from Canada from the 1920s. I know the exact date of birth and the full name but I don't know the province. Anyone know how i go about getting it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Caolinn,

Here are a few places to try. The civic registration of vital statistics in Canada started late in the nineteenth century when it became a provincial responsibility. Local church records are generally the only source of information on births, marriages and deaths before the latter part of the nineteenth century. To locate church records, the researcher usually needs to know the denomination and the parish or mission district.

Trying to locate these records can be a very difficult because Canada doesn't have a national policy regarding church and parish records. As a result there is no central repository for church records. The researcher will have to contact a number of institutions, usually the provincial archives, the National Archives of Canada, church archives and individual churches. Some of these records may be available on microfilm. Some are available in church archives, others can be consulted only in individual churches. Many church registers have not survived.