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Position:Home>Genealogy> An ancestors baby was stillborn and put in a paupers grave can i still find reco


An ancestors baby was stillborn and put in a paupers grave can i still find records for this?

burial if i know the name of the child?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Perhaps. If you have some partial information such as parents names, date of birth, location, that type of information.

Differing localities will have records going back to different periods of time so if you locate the place of birth, contact the vital statistics department in that town or county to see if you can locate the record of birth or burial records. In general, a burial record would have had been kept if the stillbirth and burial had been handled by public officials (for example, health department, a doctor, public assistance) or by a church or cemetery. But many of these records weren't standardized or maintained publicly until well into the 20th century for many localities.