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Position:Home>Genealogy> I was born on 02.06.1960. when do i become very rich so that i need not worry ab


I was born on 02.06.1960. when do i become very rich so that i need not worry about my job or my and my family

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It depends on how much you have saved up, but it doesn't sound like you have anything save up. It seems like you don't have any financial planning in place either.

Figure out how much you need to retire. Then, figure out how much you can save every month. Then, figure out how much it is going to take to save up how much you need to retire by dividing the first amount with the second number. That's how many months it's going to take to retire.

You're 46. Chances are, if you haven't figured it out by now, you are never going to retire.