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Position:Home>Genealogy> On a child where the husband denied paternity, the last name on birth c. would b


On a child where the husband denied paternity, the last name on birth c. would be her maiden name?

I was named Lisa Michelle Valls, my non-ident info says that her husband denied paternity.(she had an affair with a guy from PR who fooled her) would the last name Valls be her maiden name? or? I'm trying to search for her but I don't know her name only mines at birth. any sugg. info.would be appreciated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Start by going back to your birth county/state's Department of Vital Records (et al). Once there, you can obtain a copy of your original birth certificate. This will publish the name of the mother and possibly the father (if she named someone, other than the one that denied paternity). As far as I remember, the birth certificates ask for names of both parents if applicable. Also, if filled in, will ask for maiden name. Do you know any other relatives? Aunt? Uncle? Cousin? Etc?? This will enable you to research last names, even if their last name doesn't match your birth mother's. If you come up blank with additional information, you can research through the local library periodicals for things such as birth records, death records, marriage licenses, etc. Good luck!!