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How are you suppose to find a persons biological family?

All I have is the last name of the birth mother and the city and state, no address, no socialsecurity number, nothing I have tried several web sites but had no luck. Does anyone have any serious suggestions, they make it look so easy on these talk shows but i have hit a brick wall.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Sha T,

It is anything but easy. Do you have the original birth certificate of the adoptee? It will give the Birth Mother's first name, and if a father is listed. If you go through an adoption registry the Birth Mother may have registered. You can find the Adoption registry on the internet. Look for ADOPTION VITAL RECORD <Location> (where location is the location), and search the sites that come up for a REGISTRY of Adoptees. If it is not an adoption, then apply for the Birth Certificate in the municipality where the birth occured. The key is the Birth Certificate.

You can also take out an Add in the news paper, or write a story and submit it to the Editor of the local paper. You will have to include all the information you can to get a response.

Records are the key that tie generations together.