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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am looking for a list of kazhakstani names.?


I am looking for a list of kazhakstani names.?

I am looking for a list of kazhakstani names. When i tried googling it, i couldn't kind a link or anything with some names on it. I want to name a kazhakstani character and i didn't want to give him a russian name. Could you please help me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Perhaps not the 'straight' answer you were looking for however you could...
use a surname listed on this site that gives loads of info about the country:
However, because of the Russian influence in general in the country, you'd need to avoid using any name you see that have the following suffixes: usually formed by adding the adjective suffix -ov(a) or -ev(a)). Contemporary patronymics, however, have a substantive suffix -ich for masculine and the adjective suffix -na for feminine. So, avoid these! Looking through the names on the site I gave you, it infact indicates that many of the names are of Russian origin / influence. So, if you want to make it 'realistic' perhaps the character would infact have a 'Russian' name.
Alternatively, you could find a small place / a province in the country and use that. You'd obviously have to decide what 'ethnic' group the character was from too as this would influence not only their name but so many other things!
Good luck!