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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can certain traits be passed down in genetics?


Can certain traits be passed down in genetics?

Can traits from ancestors or desendants be passed down genetically, such as an ability in a certain area?
Such an example would be if someone had been related to a famed writer or et cetera, and then that someone could have a skill in writing as his or her descendant which was passed down from genetics.

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6 months ago
This goes for moslty mental abilities. Could the ability to be quick in literature and whatnot, a skill for writing, be passed down?

6 months ago
This goes for moslty mental abilities. Could the ability to be quick in literature and whatnot, a skill for writing, be passed down?

6 months ago
This goes for moslty mental abilities. Could the ability to be quick in literature and whatnot, a skill for writing, be passed down?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
This goes for moslty mental abilities. Could the ability to be quick in literature and whatnot, a skill for writing, be passed down?