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What is the genetic lineage of people of Great Britain?

The Celts originally occupied the British isles, then the angles, and saxons came from northern germany, then viking raiders came, and eventually french from the norman conquest. Genetically what group are British people most? West Germanic,Celtic, French, Scandinavian, etc?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As you pointed out, there have been a lot of noses poked into Britain. Still, when you look far back enough, you can see that the lines tend to blur. So there is no definite answer, but there are some signs that can help.

The build and body type of the average native Briton is very similar to that of the Scandinavian and a bit German. This is indicative of major influence from these people. The Celtic people have blended into society today, and at best are represented in Normandy. By the same token, the Norman conquest was of this area. So there is a lot of overalap as well.

Personally, I think Brits are, on the whole, Scandinavian influenced with a good portion of Anglo-Saxon blood. For French blood to be the primary genetic trend, there would have had to have been a doubling of Britain's population with French people since the late 11th century .