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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I track my great grandparents who immigrated from China and Japan?


How can I track my great grandparents who immigrated from China and Japan?

I have Chinese and Japanese origins, and I was told by my grandpa this his dad was Japanese who married a Chinese royal and they were Muslims? The went to Saudi for Hajj and stayed there. How can I track them down? Is it possible that that happened? That a Japanese man marries and Chinese ( who was from royalty?)
Our name was either Yamamuto or Yamatu ...
and the only thing that proves to me that's true, is my grandpa's looks and my family's generation.

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6 months ago
My Grandpa died when I was young, and the infromation that I got was mixed up.

6 months ago
since I got really good answers, I'll put it on vote!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
My Grandpa died when I was young, and the infromation that I got was mixed up.