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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am trying to locate individuals with the following last names?


I am trying to locate individuals with the following last names?

I am desperately trying to locate my ancestors so that I can create a viable family tree for my family. No one seems to know where my family originated from. My mother's maiden name is Toran. My father's and my last name is Sinegar. Do you know anyone with this last name and do you know the origin of either? I believe Toran is Irish or Italian, I have no clue on Sinegar.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The best source of Genealogy is the Mormon records. The Mormon records of Genealogy are open to anyone... who seeks knowledge into their family genealogy. Go to the closest library that has computer access and ask the librarian to help you access the LDS or Mormon Genealogy records of information... and go from there. If you know any Mormons, you could ask them for help... they would love to help you enter your search and they would help you learn how... Good Luck!