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What does the name Cassie mean?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is short for Cassandra. CASSANDRA. Cassandra is one of the few Greek mythological names that still reverberates with its ancient aura, that of a prophetess cursed with the fate of not being believed. In spite of that, Cassandra has been undergoing a major revival of late, showing up in the Top 50 — and even the Top 25 — in some states. It combines the initial K sound so popular today with the feminine formality of other fashionable names such as Alexandra, Amanda, and Melissa. One celebrity dad who chose it for his daughter is Charlie Sheen. The nickname CASS may still be too tied to the unfortunate Mama (who was born Ellen), but CASSIE is cute and provides a down-to-earth alternative to the name's full and somewhat imposing version. See this:

By the way why are so many women answering questions just before the New Year comes in? SAD