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Position:Home>Genealogy> I was adopted in South Dakota, where can I find info on contacting my biological


I was adopted in South Dakota, where can I find info on contacting my biological parents?

I'm going to be 24 in a few days, if that helps any.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Start with your adoptive parents.
They will give your the agency. the county, city and hospital records. Most of them will have your birth mother's name on record.

The agency may even have a "letter" for you already.

There may be an issue that you can't contact them, for some serious reasons. So use caution when approaching your biological parent. The "warm fuzzy" and "hallmark" moments sometimes just don't happen- you are strangers.

I would have the support of your parents, along this journey, they will love and support you. It is primal need to see where you come from. Yet- honor the parents that raised you- they dedicated 24 years to you.

I hope you find what you are looking for-peace.