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African American Surnames?

I heared that most African American Surnames are of Welsh origin like Williams, Evans, Jones and Thomas. Does anyone know why this is? I don't think more welsh people owned slaves because Wales isn't a very big country and alot of immigrants from Wales were quakers, so wouldn't want to take part in slavery. If you are African American, what is your surname?

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6 months ago
I still don't get why most were Welsh though, there weren't that many immigrants from Wales, we only have a population of 3 million now. Sure there must of been some Welsh slave owners but they weren't the predominant owners purely because of the number of immigrants at that time. Alot of welsh immigrants went to America because they were skilled miners not because they were land owners or whatever. I heared someone say that some slaves took the names of people who helped them to freedom, but I don't know if that's true.

6 months ago
True Rage, I never think of their being alot of immigrants from Wales because I always hear of people being Irish, Italina etc. Wales never really gets mentioned. If that is true I'm ashamed! dammit!

6 months ago
*there, my spelling is shocking today x

6 months ago
lol, I'm keeping this uestion going all by myself! but I found this:
Afro-American population have Welsh names due to the creation of surnames from father's forenames (e.g. John ==> Jones) in a similar style to the Welsh, and some use of former slave owner's last names following emancipation.

Am I bored or what!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
I still don't get why most were Welsh though, there weren't that many immigrants from Wales, we only have a population of 3 million now. Sure there must of been some Welsh slave owners but they weren't the predominant owners purely because of the number of immigrants at that time. Alot of welsh immigrants went to America because they were skilled miners not because they were land owners or whatever. I heared someone say that some slaves took the names of people who helped them to freedom, but I don't know if that's true.