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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone out there in Internet land know of the Otto Seelig family history of


Does anyone out there in Internet land know of the Otto Seelig family history of Wiesbaden,Germany?TIA?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Dr Bow,

There are 3 entries for Otto in the LDS Family Search. Each looks the same, probably submitted by different people doing the same research. Here is the content of that:

Otto Seelig, Male
Birth: 25 FEB 1863 Kremmen, Brandenburg, Preussen
Death: 08 DEC 1871
Father: Ferdinand Friedrich Seelig Family
Mother: Emilie Amalie Senns
This is not incouraging, since Otto lived only 8 years and 9 mos.

So, also provided below are: some family sites; Ellis Island has 184 Seelig immigrants to the USA; and Genforum.

Finding someone that knows your Otto Seelig seems to be the key, and the GENFORUM people are usually the best place to find them.