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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for johnny anderson. johnny blackfoot.?


Looking for johnny anderson. johnny blackfoot.?

johnny was last seen in texas. he is around 45. frequently worked carnivals. sometimes was a clown. i think he has at least one set of twins that may live in california and are prob. in their young 20s. his mother's name was mary. he has family in california, arkansas, kentucky, tennessee. he has a record and may be incarcerated. i fear he is dead. an uncle recently passed away and i would like to let him know. we miss you johnny it's been over 10 years.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Hello,

There are several ways to look someone up, you may need most of them.

If deceased try the first two sites below, the LDS Family Search may list him but SSA will for sure (if deceased).

You can look in the personal finding web sites, ZABASEARCH is one of the Best in the USA. Others are listed there also.

You can search with a private investigator, or a web service.

You can scan the lists of incarcerated people. All of these sites have been listed below.