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Need to find out how to register as a native American?

my father was a registered native american and refuse to register me as a child now that im an adult i need to find out what i need to do to register my self

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Rita,

Your Father was probably silently saying that you are an American. I am happy to see that you also want to be know for your Native American herritage.

Your Birth Certificate is the key piece of information that you will need, the long form with the embossed seal. That will list that you are the child of your father, his name, DoB, and location of Birth will be listed. This is how you form the link from you to him. Then you need to determine what tribe, which you did not mention, and their registration process. Your father is probably registered based on a great Grandfathers original registration with the Dawes Rolls. So, search for your TRIBE NAME and REGISTRATION in a Yahoo Search, to find how they register you, and apply using their process. (fill out forms, send in proof of relationship to a registered member, etc.).