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Is there really such thing as an ethnicity/race test?

A friend of mine was talking about some test you can get that can tell you your racial make up. I think a blood test using genetic markers or something... Does anyone know anything about it? Sounds like something out of a science fiction novel to me...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Nope- I actually got this test done on me. The place I went to is called Ancestry By DNA. Their website is
You can read all about it there- it does have something to do with genetic markers. I found out that I'm 65% Indo-European, 27% Native American, 8% Sub-Saharan African and 0%'s pretty facinating considering I always just identified myself as half "white", half "Mexican". Now I know more about my ethnicity.

Also, if you are at least 50% European, less than 15% Sub-Saharan African, less than 15% Native American and less than 40% East Asian, they can further tell you what European region you are from. (North Europe, Southeastern Europe, Middle East, and South Asia.) by doing the Euro-DNA test.

There is a cost involved (I think around $240) but its a new technology so of course you have to pay for it. It is very interesting and I'd reccomend it to anyone. My mom is planning on getting this test done as well. My dad is Mexican so thats probably where my Native American came from. I had too much Native American to be able to get the Euro-DNA test. Maybe my mom won't so she'll be able to get the Euro-test and shed more light on where our ancestors are from.

Good Luck!!!

EDIT: Just in case you're wondering. The DNA test is done by getting a swab from your cheek. Its painless you just rub both of your cheeks with the swab that looks kind of like a toothbrush. You then put it in a sealed baggie that they send to you and you send it back to their lab. In about 6 weeks they should have your results.

Email me if you have any more questions- my email is