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Please Help! How is this surname Spelled??

OK well I'm doing my Family Tree Searching. and I'm kinda Stumped. The Surname is Dempel and I'm not sure if that is how it is spelled in English or if that was how it was spelled in German.

I'm wanting to know how it is spelled so that I can search more successfully.

*Example* My Grandma said her Surname was Muller and then I looked into that and I found out that it is Spelled Mullerova.

Thanks in Advance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Whew! your example is one that needs sharing with lots of new researchers.
I ran Dempel in rootweb family files, and came up with 3 pages of entries, many of them show Frankfurt, which is Germany. Take a minute to re-analyse what records you already have, to see if Frankfurt is a good possibility. Was he naturalized? Date of immigration? Do you have all relevant census records (full copy, not extracts, which leave out some goodies). Names of siblings? maybe they show up in family files on
Dempel may be correct.