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Is there a scientific way to tell what ethnicity you are?

via, blood tests, something or rather.

Id like to know what I am.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not really, because the term "ethnic", like "race", is almost meaningless in scientific terms. Wendy gives a good answer. Going back just 10 generations means more than 1,000 different ancestors. The chance that they all came from one ethnic region or culture is almost nil.

Your DNA, if thoroughly tested, could tell us a great deal, but scientists usually only test for general patterns and along specific family lines, like the male descendancy path (the Y DNA test). That's narrow information, which can be useful, but it will not tell you about all the other ancestors who contributed to your makeup.

One thing geneticists have proved: we are all africans, descended from one man who lived some 60 - 100,000 years ago. All of the apparent differences (ethnic, race, etc) in humans are really quite meaningless.