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I want to know the pavia family crest?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Only a handful of Central European families actually had a family crest. Even if there is a crest, it only passes only to the oldest son of the oldest son of the oldest son. Even the children of the second son or of the oldest daughter have no claim to the use of the heraldry. So even if you do find a crest for a given name, it doesn't belong to everyone who has that surname. This is why you'll often find two or three crests for a given for the legitimate heir, one for military use of everyone in a given town fighting for the crown or noble, and one for a man who distinguished himself even if he wasn't the oldest son.

The legitimate colors under which most of our ancestors fought were the colors of the ruling family of their town, province or region. If you ever pay close attention to the sites that sell family crests, you'll notice how many of them are showing the same shield for multiple families. In a nutshell, they figured out that there's a lot of money to be made in selling people a pipe dream, whether there's any legitimacy to it or not.