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Position:Home>Genealogy> How to find wills of deceased parents/life insurances with lil or no info?


How to find wills of deceased parents/life insurances with lil or no info?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's not easy. The will you may be able to find if you know who their usual attorney was or who handled their last real estate closing. If you can't find it that way, then check through cancelled checks (hoping they saved them) and see what you can find.

The same is true of life insurance policies. There's no way to just contact them all and see if your family member had a policy with an insurance company, but you can go through cancelled checks or bank statements to see if they paid the premiums in the last year or three.

Otherwise, you need to snoop around the house for clues about a safety deposit box or a box/file of important documents.