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Tracing a family member?

Is there any way that i can trace a family member all i know is his name William Clare and he was from OLNEY in Buckinghamshire and he dies in 1937?

Any Help!!!!!!!!!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You bring up the Buckinghamshire UK Census for that year if they had one but I dont reckon so, a lot of records were destroyed in the bombing during the war but you may be lucky as Buckinghamshire didnt get hit - you could try contacting the local library at Olney also - you can subscribe to or - you can actually order birth certificates, death certificates - we have a programme in Australia which is from UK called WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE - it is very helpful if you can watch it on satellite TV and see how they go about tracing their ancestors. The web sites I mentioned are very good, you dont have to pay a lot of money to find out where you came from, you can even go further back which I did. Check out for a web site on WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE - they must have one. I just checked it out, there is a lot of information on Who do you think you are - go for it and good luck.