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Position:Home>Genealogy> What clinic I can find, to do a blood test to find out of my ancesters?


What clinic I can find, to do a blood test to find out of my ancesters?

West Indian? I am not all black as my ancesters are also Scottish as well, from my mother and father side. My genes? Far back as the Middle East.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would try a VD clinic. The only drawback is the masturbation. You have to do it in front of the doctor to make sure its your sperms. A good doctor will give u nudie books to look at to help you. The doctor then takes your sperm and looks at it under a microscope. If you have ancestors he sends it away to a lab where they check it against a list known as the 'come registry'

This tells you if your ancestors are famous. It they are u can file a claim at your local government office and sue for some of your inheritance.