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William Warren Revolution ?

Need help with an ancestor here - serious genealogy - I am doing research into the Warren's of Perry County Missouri. LOL... (Warren family joke). My family lineage is documented in Goodspeed's history of SE Missouri 1888 for Rev. James M. Warren, son of Joshua and Nancy, Joshua is the son of William and "Ann" (in census who I am told is really "mary")
Supposedly according to the history of Goodspeed, William was drafted into the Revolutionary War and lived to be 110.

There is not much info on William Warren in Iredell Co., NC where he is supposedly from, have found a William Warren in Burke, but the time period is such that the census only lists how many in the family not their names.... or other info to validate lineage / family lines.

Have been told it is thought that William's father is named Robert, but no one can PROVE it. So, here's the question: Can ANYONE help me find documentation that supports William Warren (and which one is the father of Joshua) and any info?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know anything about the Warrens, but I can suggest some better places to ask.

There are 29 entries for Joshua Warren with spouse Nancy Clary on

Six of them have notes. You might write to them all (some will be duplicates), tell them what you have, cite your sources and ask them what theirs are. Suggest they all use Reply/All in their response. Include maiden names and birth years (or estimates) when you write, something you neglected to do here. and Ancestry both have query boards for the Warren surname. Everyone there is serious. No one on either one asks about free sex sites, a problem we had this morning here. Write if you need links.