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Position:Home>Genealogy> Henry Williams as a+ longshoreman an union menber,when did he die , he was at


Henry Williams as a+ longshoreman an union menber,when did he die , he was at Laguna?

Hospital around 1942 ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you contact the Longshoreman's union in Laguna, you may be able to get a really bored person interested in looking it up for you. It's not a common request and would usually be dismissed under privacy standards, but since he died so long ago, they should be able to do it for you. Otherwise, you need to go to the County Clerk's office and file a request. They'll have to look it up and will grumble if you don't have more specific dates, but if you can give the date of birth, they should be able to find him.