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Finding family?

I would like to find my dad Mr John Young who is 70 years old on the 9th May I have not seen him for nearly 15 years now and would like to piece my life togather and get to know what happened and why, i know he has a son named Vincent Young who I presume to be in his late 30's now I am not sure, he also resided in the London area last address I had for him was 9 Tivoli Gardens, London.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Vanessa,

Are you in the UK? Some of the people finding tools that you can use are specific for the USA, and others for UK, and same for other countries. Generally, if you search for "White Pages" and "<country name>", you will get a directory for phone lookups. That is quite helpful for finding people all over the world.

Here are some sites that may or may not help you.