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Registration as a Cherokee Indian?

According to the Blood Quantum Laws as well as the Eastern Cherokee Bands rules, I would have to be 1/32 Native American to register. I am, but I searched the Dawes, Guion, Banker, and a few other rolls and wasn't able to find my ancestor's name, which is another requirement.
Their names were John Napoleon Hawkins and his daughter Nora Hawkins Lord, if that helps anyone's answer.
Is there an alternative way to prove ancestry? Would it on my great grandmother's birth certificate?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It could be on a birth certificate. However, many of these documents were lost or burned.

A good way of going about this now that you are stuck. Put an add in the tribal newspaper. Asking if anyone is related to your relatives. This is the best next step. Make sure to include as much information as you have, be respectful, and make it sound like you want to be enrolled because you are committed to your community (people are more likely to help than if they believe you just want money or other stereotypical reasons).