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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does the surname "Jarvisto" come from?


Where does the surname "Jarvisto" come from?

I think it's German. My second guess in Australia.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I checked the records on and it appears that the name may be Finnish. There are ships lists listing Nationality as Finnish. Also, if you check the free site you will see that there are two Jarvistos from Tarun, Finland on their ships manifests. There is one Jarvisto that pulls up on the free site and that one is from Finland. too. You might want to go to

and post a query asking if anyone has heard of the Jarvisto surname. Genforum is a very popular genealogy board and your chances are great that someone from Finland can answer your query. Good luck. This genealogy stuff is lots of fun and a true journey. Blessings.