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About Gypsies ?

they origanlly came from egypt or india?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is generally known that gypsies migrated out of India into Europe around the eleventh century. Records exist of their arrival in Spain as early as 1425 in Zaragoza, capital of Aragon. The majority entered via Barcelona (in Catalonia) in 1447.
Gitanos and hungaros (Hungarians emanating from central Europe) make up the two major groups of Spanish gypsies who now live predominantly in southern Spain.

Because recorded history of the Roma prior to their first documented appearances in Europe in the early 15th century is non-existent, there has been much debate as to their origins and early migration. Based on linguistic evidence (the similarity of the Romany language to Hindi, Panjabi, and related languages of Northern India) and anthropological evidence (body habitus and ABO blood group distributions closely approximating those of the warrior classes of northern India)(7), there is now a clear consensus of opinion that the modern day Roma of the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and the Americas originated in Northwestern India.