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Looking for birth mother or family. Where to find info?

I am trying to find information on a birth mother we are told is diseased, but have yet to find anything about the death.
So, If we could find any living relatives, that might help solve the puzzle, that would be great. Debbie Rae Nyberg, born in Souix City, Iowa in the late 1950's. Married name was Sawyer. She may have lived in North or South Dakota when young. She might have a sister named Kathy. Any help would be appreciated.

Additional Details

5 months ago
She was born in 1955. We have tried every variation of spelling of her first name with and with out the middle initial in the SSDI. We have tried using her maiden name as well as the last known married name. NOTHING. We know she lived in New Mexico for a while. We know she signed most of her offical documents as Debbie, but we have tried Deborah (and various spellings) to know avail.
Debbie may have been a NURSE.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
She was born in 1955. We have tried every variation of spelling of her first name with and with out the middle initial in the SSDI. We have tried using her maiden name as well as the last known married name. NOTHING. We know she lived in New Mexico for a while. We know she signed most of her offical documents as Debbie, but we have tried Deborah (and various spellings) to know avail.
Debbie may have been a NURSE.