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Position:Home>Genealogy> Ancestory/Heritage....Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew where this features com


Ancestory/Heritage....Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew where this features come from.?

I know your physical appearance can reflect your heritage. I have dark brown hair, very olive skin, and light blue eyes.
I know most people with dark hair and olive skin have brown eyes so it has been kind of hard to track. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. Thank you!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Uh.. Melungeon is way way a shot in the dark. You didn't even indicate if you are in the US.
Your heritage depends on knowing the specifics of who your ancestors were. Physical characterics are not really reliable, except in a very broad sense. The only thing that is obvious is that ONE of your ancestors at some point had blue eyes. Genetically, the dominant genes (brown) will be found more frequently.
If you want real answers, take time to start doing your family tree. Start with yourself, working backwards with good documentation along the way. Trust me, from experience... trying to "jump ahead" doesn't work. Many people doing family research luck into other relatives who have historical family photos (don't expect color). I have one record from the War of 1812, where his muster roll gave a physical description, including eye color. On the assumption that you are in the US, at some point you will find the immigrant ancestor (or maybe Native American), and pinpoint what country he/she came from.
There are many beginner how to files online.
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