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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know where the surname Chomandley comes from?


Does anyone know where the surname Chomandley comes from?

I'm trying to find out information on my Great grandmother Sarah Chomandley. Her husbands name was James Wilde

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ah, the tricky names that "got" misspelled. I used your spelling on rootsweb family files, and got zilch. Google thought I must mean Chomondley, and I took their word for it. Running that in rootsweb came up with 8 entries, all of which are very old British, back to 1500's in fact.
While the files go way way back, they do not offer much detail on record sources, and don't come "down" very far. Something to tuck away once you get further back.
But you might already know it is English. To find Sarah's parents, you would want to focus on what you already do have about her, ie where her children were born, where her husband's family was, etc. It is very likely her family was in the "neighborhood", or maybe adjoining county (or shire).