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Position:Home>Genealogy> Do you like the name nahvionna(nah-vi-on-na) for a girl?


Do you like the name nahvionna(nah-vi-on-na) for a girl?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think the name is pretty, but it has been mentioned here that it would be hard to pronounce and spell. I do agree with that. A name is a very personal thing and when a parent gives a name to a child, it is usually chosen from the heart. With that said, I think it is terrible that some people are so rotten as to say that its gay or make anything other than the constructive criticism you asked for.

If you feel in your heart that Nahvionna is the name you would like to give your child, then do it. I have a first name that can be spelled several different ways and a last name that can be spelled two different ways. You get used to spelling your name over time. I don't think anything of it anymore. Heck, I even have to spell my street name and its longer than my first and last name put together. You might want to try alternate spellings. How about Nahviana? I think it would be less difficult for people to pronounce that way. It seems a little more straight forward.

Anyway, the name is pretty and you should name your child what your heart tells you to. Many of the answerers on this forum are real wise crackers and only answer to get their two points with very little regard for your feelings. Do what your heart tells you to, not what some "Yahoo" tells you to do. You'll be happier in the long run. Blessings,